Local Fertilizer Company in Mansfield, Victoria

Our business is all about making it easy for farmers 
to build healthier soils and productive pastures.

Our services include: 

  • Soil testing and fertility improvement planning 
  • Soil amendments & Fertilizer applications 
  • Weeds management 
  • Tillage & seeding 
  • Haymaking
  • Technology

Our Services

Soil testing and fertility improvement planning

Soil health and the presence of nutrients are interdependent aspects of a soil fertility plan that will support your farming objectives. 

We help you to achieve those objectives by taking soil samples on your farm, organising laboratory analysis and then providing qualified interpretation of ‘found’ and ‘optimum’ nutrient levels combined with practical experience over the greater Mansfield District.

Soil amendments & Fertilizer applications

We can specify, supply and apply all of the following soil amendments and nutrients

Soil amendments:

Soil Nutrients:
All Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulphur (NPKS) blends

Bulk Fertilizer supply, freight and handling
Fertilizer ground spreading

Weeds Management

Weeds can have a significant effect on pasture productivity and can be dealt with via a variety of control methods.

While herbicides are generally most effective to kill unwanted weeds, in combination with non-chemical strategies such as rotational grazing, introduction of summer crops to provide a disease break and deeper root penetration,  mechanical interference in the form of cultivation to kill emerging weeds or mulching to prevent flowering and seeding; these are all methods that will reduce the dependence on herbicides and in many instances, can be more effective.

Tillage & Seeding

Seed bed preparation can significantly increase germination rates as well as making for cleaner and smooth pasture beds.

Often though, direct drilling (minimum till) on pasture stubble can be a cost-effective alternative.

We work with agronomists and seed specialists to plan and apply best methods to sow your crops and achieve maximum yields.


We provide mowing, raking and small bale production services for our customers.

For those customers who require Silage or Big Round bales, we work together with local contractors who specialise in those fodder systems.


Whether it be auto-steer on our spreading trucks with GPS guidance systems to minimize over and under – lap of applications (said another way, product wastage) or to provide our customers with the assurance and farm management records from our job reports, we use technologies wherever possible to continually improve our work, and the satisfaction from our customers.


We can be contacted via our contact form, email directly at roger@mansfieldfert.co or tel: 0455 027 993